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Peter Silberman Slips Away

Peter Silberman - Slips Away
  • Release date: November 3, 2016
  • UPC/EAN Code: 45778751396

About Peter Silberman's Slips Away

Acclaimed musician Peter Silberman, best known as a member of The Antlers, has released an intimate and stirring new track called “Slips Away.”

Silberman says of the song:
“Alan Watts wrote, “The greater part of human activity is designed to make permanent those experiences and joys which are only lovable because they are changing.”

Like nearly everyone I know, I contend with this daily - to accept the transitory and experience shifting tectonic plates as passing clouds. I’ve dedicated much of the last few years’ creative effort to embracing this unflinching force of nature. Change is a heartbeat, evidencing life.

And so Slips Away is my preliminary meditation on this idea. The piece was written and recorded earlier this fall, largely in a secluded cabin upstate, surrounded by talkative crickets and tall old trees losing leaves.

I now recognize a bit of a paradox in attempting to capture transience in song, freezing a passing moment in space and time, preserving impermanence… so the best I can reconcile this is to think of Slips Away as a most basic reminder.”

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