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Saintseneca - Pillar of Na Denarius


  • ISRC:USEP41801008
  • Recorded:2018 ARC Studios - Omaha, NE
  •  ©2018 Anti
  • Producer:Mike Mogis
  • Writer:Zachary Clifton Little


Recent revelations show
There's a reason
A reason you should know your own
Belly grows bellicose
know your enemy the most
Anno Domini
I ain't no domino
but I know every knee will crease to please these present tenses
In a new light
A buck ain't what it once was
It's an old lie
but the doe folds to the bluffer
Render unto Caesar what Ceasar sees as his
Retail therapists
These sails seldom get the gust
Even Jesus made a whip and flipped shit on opportunists