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Tim Fite - Fair Ain't Fair Trouble


  • ISRC:USEP40804102
  • Recorded:2008
  •  ©2008 Anti Inc.
  • Tape Sounds, Singing:Dr, Leisure
  • Singing, Ghosting:Shars Worden
  • Singing:The Bloody Nose Boys
  • Drums, Percussion:Justin Riddle
  • Slack Key Guitar:Chris Lind
  • Singing:Danielle Stech Homsy
  • Guitar, Piano, Mandolin:Dan Kinsley
  • Guitar, Banjo, Pedal Steel, Bass:Adam Gustavson
  • Guitar:Dan Saks
  • Viola:Merle Hansen
  • Everything Else and Nothing Else:Tim Fite
  • Singing:Pepi Ginsberg


between the hammer and the holiday (holiday)
I take the hammer each and every time
you just can't wait to waste us all away (all away)
why you save face, I'll be shavin' mine

in the light
in the sound
in the sound, in the light
I've seen rapids
I've seen rubble
you're in trouble
a whole lot of trouble

i have punishment to fit the crime
but if the crime is the punishment
where will you wind up
waitin' on that punishment
you'll wake up and wonder where the summer went
because it's cold up the river
it's cold up the river
it's cold up the river
it's cold, it's cold

in the light
in the sound
in the sound, in the light
I've seen rapids
I've seen rubble
in the light, in the sound
i see trouble, trouble
in the sound, in the light

you better hope to
god your shit float
you better hope to
god your shit float

you're in a whole lot of trouble
a whole lot of trouble
a whole lot of... trouble
a whole lot of... trouble
a whole lot of... tr-trouble
a whole lot of... trouble

how's about a little avalanche for your avarice
a landslide for your lavishness
some happenstance for your happiness
a first hand taste of averageness

you better hope to
god your shit float
you better hope to
god your shit float
you better hope x8

you're in a whole lot of trouble