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Tim Fite - Fair Ain't Fair Sing Along


  • ISRC:USEP40804115
  • Recorded:2008
  •  ©2008 Anti Inc.
  • Tape Sounds, Singing:Dr, Leisure
  • Singing, Ghosting:Shars Worden
  • Singing:The Bloody Nose Boys
  • Drums, Percussion:Justin Riddle
  • Slack Key Guitar:Chris Lind
  • Singing:Danielle Stech Homsy
  • Guitar, Piano, Mandolin:Dan Kinsley
  • Guitar, Banjo, Pedal Steel, Bass:Adam Gustavson
  • Guitar:Dan Saks
  • Viola:Merle Hansen
  • Everything Else and Nothing Else:Tim Fite
  • Singing:Pepi Ginsberg


one more time for the lah-dee-dah
three more times for the bah bah bah
we wanna, we wanna, we wanna lalala
four more times for the yippity-yay
three more times for the hey hey hey
we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna lalala

even if the notes don't play
even if we don't have a say
even if the words are all wrong
we're still gonna sing along

does anybody know, does anybody know
where I can go to get a hey and a ho?
we wanna, we wanna, we wanna lalala
does anybody care, does anybody care
that all the shit smell the same around here?
we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna lalala

even if the notes don't play
even if we don't have a say
even if the words are all wrong
we're still gonna sing along

inside the tv where everyone's nice
my favorite songs all offer advice
it's terribly thoughtful of you I say
it's terribly kind
no trouble
and all they say is the pleasure is mine

even if the notes don't play
even if we don't have a say
even if the words are all wrong
we're still gonna sing along

one more time for the lah-dee-dah
three more times for the bah bah bah

where do I know that song from?
where do I know that song from?
where do I know that song from?
(what song?)
the one that goes lalala

even if the notes don't play
even if we don't have a say
even if the words are all wrong
we're still gonna sing along

even if the notes don't play (lalala)
even if we don't have a say (lalala)
even if the words are all wrong (lalala)
we're still gonna sing along

you know..
this ri..
this.. this right here
would sound uh.. real good
I think, I think
that it would sound real nice
for a car commercial or somethin'
um... maybe, you know, maybe somethin' for like maxi pads
you know, cuz, a lot of people use 'em