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Tim Fite - Fair Ain't Fair Roots Of A Tree


  • ISRC:USEP40804101
  • Recorded:2008
  •  ©2008 Anti Inc.
  • Tape Sounds, Singing:Dr, Leisure
  • Singing, Ghosting:Shars Worden
  • Singing:The Bloody Nose Boys
  • Drums, Percussion:Justin Riddle
  • Slack Key Guitar:Chris Lind
  • Singing:Danielle Stech Homsy
  • Guitar, Piano, Mandolin:Dan Kinsley
  • Guitar, Banjo, Pedal Steel, Bass:Adam Gustavson
  • Guitar:Dan Saks
  • Viola:Merle Hansen
  • Everything Else and Nothing Else:Tim Fite
  • Singing:Pepi Ginsberg


fair ain't so fair fuckers
there's folly in the pork fat
the devil needs a door mat
for his dirt

acquired as he keeps it
he'd rather sow than reap it
when history's a secret
for the hurt

(so they very skillfully made you and me hate)
hate x 4
I'm in a whole lot of hell
and it folds over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over it folds

there's a man
full of seeds
says he grows trees
but he don't grow trees
no it don't
it grows roots x5
the roots we hate x3
it grows roots

(you can't hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree)