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Tim Fite - Fair Ain't Fair More Clothes


  • ISRC:USEP40804111
  • Recorded:2008
  •  ©2008 Anti Inc.
  • Tape Sounds, Singing:Dr, Leisure
  • Singing, Ghosting:Shars Worden
  • Singing:The Bloody Nose Boys
  • Drums, Percussion:Justin Riddle
  • Slack Key Guitar:Chris Lind
  • Singing:Danielle Stech Homsy
  • Guitar, Piano, Mandolin:Dan Kinsley
  • Guitar, Banjo, Pedal Steel, Bass:Adam Gustavson
  • Guitar:Dan Saks
  • Viola:Merle Hansen
  • Everything Else and Nothing Else:Tim Fite
  • Singing:Pepi Ginsberg


what's that on your collar?
don'tcha know you oughta, you oughta,
you oughta oughta be ashamed of yourself, you oughta

what's that on your sneaker?
don'tcha know you need to, you need to
you need to, really need to keep yourself a little cleaner

i think I need to play more shows
so I can buy more clothes
so I can look like them folks who buys clothes
you know I would if I could
cause a rock is just wood
'less you look real good
lookin' down your nose

where's your invitation?
don'tcha know you'll never, you'll never
never get in here lookin' like an abomination

i think I need to make more dough
so I can buy more clothes
so I can look like them folks who buys clothes
i know I would if I could
because a rock is just wood
'less you look real good
lookin' down your nose

a horse is a horse, of course of course
a horse is a horse of course
a horse is a horse, of course of course
a horse is a horse (let's go shopping)
a horse is a horse, of course of course
a horse is a horse is a horse
a horse is a horse is a horse of course
a horse is a horse (start rocking)

hey, you're too beautiful
hey, you're too musical
hey, you're too beautiful
hay is for horses!

there's mustard on your titty
wipe that mustard off your titty!
yeah and while-a while-a while you're at it,
go and find a jacket
down in douche d-douche d-douche d-douche douchebag city

a horse is a horse
what's that on your collar?
of course of course
don'tcha know you oughta, you oughta,
you oughta oughta be ashamed of yourself, you oughta

i need to make more dough
so I can buy more clothes
so I can look like them folks who buys clothes
you know I would if I could
cause a rock is just wood
'less you look real good
lookin' down your nose

when I say goodbye, you say goodbye
when I say hello, you say hello
by and by
by and by
by and by
we just gon' die in these clothes