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Tim Fite - Fair Ain't Fair Harriet Tubman


  • ISRC:USEP40804112
  • Recorded:2008
  •  ©2008 Anti Inc.
  • Everything Else and Nothing Else:Tim Fite
  • Singing:Pepi Ginsberg
  • Tape Sounds, Singing:Dr, Leisure
  • Singing, Ghosting:Shars Worden
  • Singing:The Bloody Nose Boys
  • Drums, Percussion:Justin Riddle
  • Slack Key Guitar:Chris Lind
  • Singing:Danielle Stech Homsy
  • Guitar, Piano, Mandolin:Dan Kinsley
  • Guitar, Banjo, Pedal Steel, Bass:Adam Gustavson
  • Guitar:Dan Saks
  • Viola:Merle Hansen


we'll slide along
along the river's edge
we'll carve a song
we'll carve a song
upon the willow branch
i cut the letters
i cut the letters
i cut the letters
i cut the letters
she sings to me

and that day will come
along the river's edge
when they find a song
they'll find a song
upon the willow branch
they'll touch the letters
they'll touch the letters
they'll touch the letters
and hear what she sang to me