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Tinariwen - Elwan Hayati

  • ISRC:FRPH71600010
  • Recorded:2016 Bivouac le Petit Prince, Melodium Studios & Rancho
  •  ©2017 Wedge SARL, under exclusive license to Anti


Hannu haleyya
Ichwày ichwàyya
Ana winta
Fi kul hachiyya
Allah halek
Ya bu chamiyya
Allah Allah halena
Ahyunuk sut sut
Ahyun alghazal
Ahyunuk sut sut
Ahyun alghazal
Ahyunuk sut
Gizlam illàyl
Ahyunuk sut
Gizlam ilàyl

My life, my love,
take care of me
A least just a little bit:
You and me together,
Night in, night out.
You with the beauty spot
Take care of yourself.
We’re under
divine protection.
Your dark eyes,
the eyes of a gazelle,
Still visible
in the black of night.
No one can see
that life is ephemeral,
Dreams and tears constant,
All life long.