My Darling kindly kindles a flame
In honor of the rainbows
Resistance to her warm catalytic flames
Was rich and with hate it was stained
With every match lit more fingers curl
At her from behind the curtains
Off these fingers come words from spuriously grounded souls
Like "devil woman," "imprudent, hell-casting soul"
Changing places, switching places
Her patience was sourly tried and burned and burning
This burning was bitter and empty not warm and kind
Her tongue was dirty with defense turning offense, turning circles
My love shrank and burned and writhed
A hole grew around my doll, our love was dying
The dirt flew off my love’s tongue as I lay crying
Her hole sucked at my sorry tears, my eyes,
Until I was empty and dry
Changing places, switching places
In her loudest shoes she clopped closer to her proffered destiny
The devil's door was in sight
Groping her pen she lay, lost of her rainbow dreams
She settled, heedful of the in between
Quickly lost and lifting up to the clouds
White lights growing warm bright and loud
The Devil stood so patiently for me at God's door
He said to me "I'd like your love on my stoop no more"
He turned me round, and sent me down to clean my darling's tongue
I found my darling waiting wildly alone
Sifting so eagerly through the dirt I fetched
Her precious match and struck it across my chest
Changing places, switching places
The flame caught her mind in the kindness of burning
Her pride fizzled and writhed and her heart was turning
Resistance was rich with hate, but truly she burned her flames
My love at my side
Kind patience survives