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Sage Francis A Healthy Distrust

Sage Francis - A Healthy Distrust
  • Release date: February 8, 2005
  • Label: Epitaph
  • Recording year: 2005
  • UPC/EAN Code: 45778670963
  • ©2005 Epitaph
  • ℗2005 Epitaph
Release Tracks

About Sage Francis' A Healthy Distrust

Sage Francis is to indie hip-hop what Rage Against the Machine was to alternative rock, a full frontal ambi-political rush that turns its voice man into a deified performer with legions of impressionable youths hanging on his every word. Think Sage doesn't want it that way? Check the corporate rock whore American flag he donned at last year's Coachella festival, greasy heair shaved off like Colonel Kurts scrawling scrawling, "Drop the bomb. Kill Them all!"

Francis' distrust is warranted, and writing this review two days after an election is a sure way to twist your head around. Especially when he declares, "I know that only stupid people increase the birthrates/I'm just about dumb enough to hold up a sperm bank," on "Gunz Yo." It's enough to make you want to wring your hands, and if you're over 25, then expect to find yourself peering at your old teen angst like some sort of barely remembered dream. If you're under 25, then be prepared to have your non-voting ass checked.

-Joshua Glazer - URB Magazine

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