ANTI at SXSW Round-Up
If you couldn't make it out to Austin, TX for SXSW this year, just take a look below for some great performances from ANTI artists!
Man Man
NPR has Man Man's entire performance at Auditorium Shores streaming! href="">Click here to listen to the set described as "a dizzying whirlwind of barrelhouse piano, alternately yelped and yowled vocals, and a drummer positioned at the front of the stage, where he belonged. Fans don't often shout for encores from bands playing in the late afternoon on SXSW's outdoor stages, but they can be forgiven their enthusiasm here: When Man Man stopped playing, the silence seemed almost surreal."
DeVotchKa - "How It Ends"
Lost In The Trees - "Fireplace"
Sean Rowe - "American"