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Josiah Johnson World's Not Gonna End

Josiah Johnson - World's Not Gonna End
  • Release date: February 3, 2020
  • Label: Anti/Epitaph
  • Recording year: 2019
  • UPC/EAN Code: 45778773701
  • ©2020 Anti
  • ℗2020 Anti

About Josiah Johnson's World's Not Gonna End

Josiah Johnson – a former and founding member of the Billboard chart-topping band The Head and the Heart - has begun a new musical journey in 2020. Like many before him in need of recovery and self-love, Johnson has learned to cope with ghoulish feelings of self-doubt and he does so with new collaborative tools and creative blueprints in tow, buoyed by a single idea: no matter what happens, the world will still turn and you’re still here. This sentiment permeates through his thoughtful, uplifting first single for ANTI- Records, “World’s Not Gonna End”.

“I know you’re more than capable,” Johnson sings on the single, “I know you’re more than capable. It hurts but you can grow large enough to allow it all.” In an age when so many feel resolute anger and pain, this warmly delivered, poignant chorus of personal rebirth and renewed possibility is paramount.

"This is celebratory,” Johnson said of the song. “It’s the letting go of every little misstep - or even every little success that defines you. You made some sort of mistake and you’re bringing yourself to task for it on a loop, and you don’t need to. Like, this not the end of the world even though my brain is telling me that it is. This will get resolved. This will be a tiny mote in the river of the universe. One of the billion of things that happen in the course of a lifetime."

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