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Calexico Rambler

Calexico - Rambler
  • Release date: September 20, 2022
  • Label: ANTI- Records
  • Recording year: 2022
  • UPC/EAN Code: 45778790906
  • ©2022 ANTI- Records
  • ℗2022 ANTI- Records

About Calexico's Rambler

Stripped down, loose and fun, Calexico has shared the new track “Rambler” a song reminiscent of their earliest tracks. Co-founding member of the band Joey Burns says the track is inspired by time spent in the Northwest, from Idaho and Montana to Oregon and Washington. “Throughout these travels I kept seeing ghosts looking for someone to sing their stories,” Burns said. “When John [Covertino] and I met up to record, the music came together in a flash, and you can feel that spark of spontaneity between the acoustic guitar and drums when you listen. Later on we added some slide guitar (Connor Gallaher) and backing vocals (Luke Ydstie) to build splashes of color and character.”

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