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So Much Light Justin Bieber at the Gates of Hell (Single)

So Much Light - Justin Bieber at the Gates of Hell (Single)
  • Release date: July 14, 2016
  • Label: Anti/Epitaph
  • Release version: Single
  • Recording year: 2016
  • UPC/EAN Code: 45778750207
  • ©2016 Anti
  • ℗2016 Anti
Release Tracks

About So Much Light's Justin Bieber at the Gates of Hell (Single)

So Much Light's new track "Justin Bieber at the Gates of Hell" is available now.

So Much Light (AKA Damien Verrett) explains “I began writing this song shortly after a breakup that left me feeling like a dump. I was entering that post breakup phase where you're trying to hype yourself up and get the self-confidence flowing again by hyperbolizing what a great person you are. I wanted to channel that attitude and sort of play on the way a positive action motivated by negative circumstance can become twisted. Sometimes it feels like we're trying to become better versions of ourselves to spite somebody. It's a trap.”

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