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Grinderman Grinderman

Grinderman - Grinderman
  • Release date: April 10, 2007
  • Label: Anti/Epitaph
  • Recording location: RAK Studios, Metropolis Studios - London, ENG
  • Recording year: 2007
  • UPC/EAN Code: 45778686162
  • ©2007 Circle C & Circle P Mute Records Ltd.
  • ℗2007 Circle C & Circle P Mute Records Ltd.
Release Tracks

About Grinderman's Grinderman

"As our dreams and desires are hung on the butcher's hook of rampant consumerism, and the mirage and the illusion and the Nike trainers are served up on the trembling quim of an impossibly nubile girl-thing, No Pussy Blues tells it like it is," suggests Cave. "It is the child standing goggle-eyed at the cake shop window, as the shop-owner, in his plastic sleeves, barricades the door and turns the sign to "CLOSED". It is the howl in the dark of the Everyman."

"Set over a throbbing pornographic bass line, the world holds its breath for the onslaught of the wah's shriek of frustration and dirty water," counters Casey. "No Pussy Blues continues in the blues tradition and its timeless fascination with getting laid... or not."

"It's 'Back Door Man', it's 'Crawling King Snake', it's 'Tiger Man'," says Ellis.

"It's 'Shake Rattle and Roll'," says Sclavunos.

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