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Sparklehorse Bird Machine

Sparklehorse - Bird Machine
  • Release date: September 8, 2023
  • Label: ANTI- Records
  • UPC/EAN Code: 45778708161
  • ©2023 ANTI- Records
  • ℗2023 ANTI- Records

About Sparklehorse's Bird Machine

Music had always been a shared language between Sparklehorse’s Mark Linkous and his younger brother Matt, and as Mark began work on what he planned to be the fifth Sparklehorse album in 2009, the two of them would talk through his plans for the record. Matt can clearly recall their conversations; Mark’s excitement about the influences feeding into it and the way the songs were starting to take shape. It was these conversations that Matt and Melissa - Mark’s sister-in-law, who had both worked with Sparklehorse - returned to years later as they began to sift through boxes of tapes to catalogue and preserve Mark’s unreleased recordings and bring his posthumous album, entitled ‘Bird Machine’, to life.

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