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Gary V Avalanche

Gary V - Avalanche
  • Release date: June 16, 2020
  • Label: Anti/Epitaph
  • Recording year: 2020
  • UPC/EAN Code: 45778770984
  • ©2020 Anti
  • ℗2020 Anti

About Gary V's Avalanche

Los Angeles’s Prism Tats has shared his first-ever cover song, a moody rendition of Leonard Cohen’s “Avalanche”. “When I started to work on this cover I was in the midst of a deep dive into challenging my own approach to writing lyrics and I thought what better way to do so than studying one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artists,” said Prism Tats aka Garrett Van Der Spek. “So what started out as a personal experiment not intended for release, turned into my first cover and my first collaboration as Prism Tats. The next step in my Leonard Cohen study is to try wearing a suit every day."

Van Der Spek also added, "I deliberated over releasing this song at this moment in time but ultimately decided that as artists, beyond our physical, financial and psychic support our music is our greatest contribution to change and that should not waiver. That is why we are donating 100% of proceeds from BandCamp to Black Lives Matter Los Angeles in the hope that this fight continues until change is made."

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