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Tim Fite Ain't Ain't Ain't

Tim Fite - Ain't Ain't Ain't
  • Release date: March 6, 2012
  • Label: Anti/Epitaph
  • Recording location: Brooklyn, NY
  • Recording year: 2012
  • UPC/EAN Code: 45778718764
  • ©2012 Anti, Inc.
  • ℗2012 Anti, Inc.
Release Tracks

About Tim Fite's Ain't Ain't Ain't

The central focus of Ain't Ain't Ain't is the pain, hope and unbridled passion of one’s teenage years. “This record is shamelessly clad in the high hopes of high-school hot pants, just as much as it is ashamed of its insecurities and aging self-awareness,” Fite explains. “Like cafeteria lunch tables, Ain’t Ain’t Ain’t is as vulnerable as it is invincible. I hope that anyone who knows what it is to be a teenager might see their reflection in these songs, and feel more alive.”

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